Saturday, February 25, 2012

What LInsanity Has Taught Me

It is true, for me and for many others, that there can be streams in the desert.  In the case of Jeremy Lin, it's a case of streams in his desert called the 'bench'.

You Don't Need to be in Sports to Get 'Benched'. 

Have you ever been 'benched'?  Do you know what it feels like to be put on hold, to be stuck in the sidelines knowing that you have what it takes to throw and shoot the ball?

At home, you can be the one with more brains, but for years, you have to shut your mouth because you are not old enough.  Benched!

With friends, you can be the most talented, but you have to be the support dancer or back-up singer, because someone else looks better or has more money to pay for the expensive performance attires. Benched!

At work, you may have more skills and potential than your boss.  But he got there first, and for years, you sit on the 'bench' while your boss basks in all the glory. Benched!

Believe me, the bench is not a good place to be.  Not if you don't have the patience, perseverance and humility of someone like Jeremy Lin.

The Streams in Jeremy's Bench.

I already know from the countless news about Jeremy Lin, that he is a star.  Linsanity is becoming a by-word because of what he has brought to the court. 

But I never realized, not until after I read an article about Linsanity from, that Jeremy Lin is truly an exceptional Christian.

While most of us will grumble and gripe while in the state of being 'benched', Jeremy Lin found his 'streams in the desert' while sitting on the bench.

He made use of the 'time to be silent' to watch and learn from the bench-from the coach, from the players, from the game itself.

No sulking.  No complaining.  No plotting for revenge.  

Jeremy Lin understood and accepted that God has put him on hold for a very good reason.  He understood that he cannot have everything he wants.  He believed that there is a Higher Being who is in control of his life who will end his 'desert time' in His own perfect time.

 Jeremy's triumph is not in the scores nor in the assists.  His triumph was in the 'bench'.  We have much to learn from him.
